


マンテルブレスレット 天然石ブロンザイト ナバホパール カレンシルバー

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ブロンザイト (Bronzite) の名前は、その独特の青銅色の金属光沢から名付けられました。その光沢は結晶内の鉄成分によるもので、まるでポリッシュされたブロンズ(青銅)のような外観を持つことから、「Bronze(青銅)」が語源となっています。


  • 心の安定と調和: 持ち主に穏やかで安定した心をもたらし、ネガティブなエネルギーを防ぐ。
  • 意志力と自信を強化: 自信を高め、他人の意見に流されない強い心を育てる。
  • エネルギーの防御と浄化: ネガティブな影響を防ぎ、周囲のマイナスエネルギーから守る。
  • リラクゼーション効果: 心身の緊張を和らげ、深いリラクゼーションをもたらす。




  • アクセサリーとして: ブレスレットやペンダントに加工され、身につけることでその効果を日常的に受け取る。
  • お守りとして: ポケットやカバンに入れて持ち歩き、ネガティブエネルギーから守る。
  • 瞑想に使用: 瞑想中に手に持つと、心のバランスを整え、深いリラックス状態に導く。


  • セージの煙で浄化
  • 月光浴で浄化
  • 水晶クラスターで浄化







手作りの温かみが感じられる カレンシルバー は、タイ北部の山岳民族「カレン族」の職人たちによって一つ一つ丁寧に作られています。純度の高いシルバー(92.5%以上)を使用し、繊細な模様やデザインが特徴。現代的なアクセサリーにはない、クラフト感と自然な輝きを持つ特別なアイテムです。



100%ハンドメイド: 職人の手による美しいディテール。

高純度シルバー: 通常のスターリングシルバーよりも高い銀の含有率で、独特の輝きを放ちます。

ユニセックスデザイン: 男女問わず楽しめるシンプルさとアート性の融合。











マンテルブレスレット 推奨サイズ対応表
16cm 手首周り13cm〜15cm程度
17cm 手首周り14cm〜16cm程度
18cm 手首周り15cm〜17cm程度
19cm 手首周り16cm〜18cm程度
20cm 手首周り17cm〜19cm程度



神奈川県の工房で職人が丹精込めて手作りをしている、SUNNY SIDEオリジナルのブレスレットです。



ブロンザイト ボタンカット 6×6×4mm程度(若干の差あり)

ナバホパール ライス 9×3mm

カレンシルバー マンテル


Natural Bronzite Bracelet

Bronzite is a natural stone known for its metallic sheen resembling bronze. It is a popular power stone believed to stabilize energy and promote a positive state of mind.

The bracelet is crafted with button-cut Bronzite, Navajo Pearl rice beads, and a Karen Silver toggle clasp.

Origin of the Name

The name "Bronzite" comes from its distinctive bronze-like metallic luster, attributed to the iron content within its crystals. This polished bronze appearance inspired the name, which originates from the word "bronze."

Effects as a Power Stone

  • Emotional Stability and Harmony: Bronzite brings a calm and stable mind while protecting against negative energy.
  • Boosts Willpower and Confidence: It enhances self-confidence and fosters a strong, independent mindset resistant to external influences.
  • Energy Protection and Purification: Bronzite acts as a shield against negativity, safeguarding the wearer from harmful energy.
  • Relaxation Effect: It relieves physical and mental tension, promoting deep relaxation.

Spiritual Aspects

Bronzite is believed to align the wearer’s inner energy and encourage personal growth. In ancient times, it was known as the "stone of courage," worn by warriors as a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of challenges.


  • As Accessories: Often crafted into bracelets or pendants to provide daily support.
  • As a Talisman: Kept in a pocket or bag to ward off negative energy.
  • For Meditation: Held during meditation to balance emotions and induce deep relaxation.

Purification Methods

  • Sage smoke cleansing
  • Moonlight bathing
  • Placing on a crystal cluster


Bronzite provides multifaceted support, including emotional stability, enhanced willpower, and protection against negativity. Its bronze-like sheen has made it a symbol of courage and protection since ancient times. In today’s stressful world, Bronzite is recommended for those seeking to protect themselves while maintaining a positive outlook on life.

The clasp features a high-quality Karen Silver toggle clasp, known for its practicality and elegance, ensuring secure wear and easy handling.

About Karen Silver

Karen Silver is meticulously handcrafted by artisans of the Karen tribe in the northern mountains of Thailand. Made with high-purity silver (over 92.5%), it showcases intricate patterns and designs. Unlike modern accessories, Karen Silver offers a unique craftsmanship and natural brilliance.

Karen Silver’s charm lies in its "imperfections," which create individuality. Each piece is handmade, adding subtle elegance to any outfit. It complements natural or ethnic styles beautifully while its simple design makes it versatile for casual to formal occasions.

100% Handmade: Beautifully detailed craftsmanship by skilled artisans.

High-Purity Silver: Contains higher silver content than standard sterling silver, offering a distinctive shine.

Unisex Design: A blend of simplicity and artistry for all genders.


About Navajo Pearls

"Navajo Pearls" are handcrafted silver beads made by skilled artisans of the Navajo tribe in the southwestern United States. Known for their simplicity and striking presence, these beads reflect generations of traditional craftsmanship and respect for nature.

Each bead is hand-cut, shaped, welded, and polished, resulting in subtle variations that make every piece unique. Navajo Pearls bring a warm handcrafted touch that resonates deeply with the wearer.

Rooted in Navajo culture, these beads symbolize protection and good fortune, embodying the tribe’s rich traditions.

We offer free custom sizing for this product.
Please specify your preferred size between 16cm and 20cm.

*Please note that sizes are approximate as they are adjusted using natural stones and other components.*

Toggle Bracelet Recommended Size Chart
16cm Suitable for wrist circumference of approximately 13cm–15cm
17cm Suitable for wrist circumference of approximately 14cm–16cm
18cm Suitable for wrist circumference of approximately 15cm–17cm
19cm Suitable for wrist circumference of approximately 16cm–18cm
20cm Suitable for wrist circumference of approximately 17cm–19cm

This type of bracelet is made with durable, firm, and resilient cords, resulting in a slightly oval shape rather than a perfect circle.

As a result, it stays in place during wear and is less precise in sizing compared to typical power stone bracelets, allowing for easy and comfortable use.

Each bracelet is handcrafted with care by artisans in our workshop in Kanagawa, Japan, making it an original piece by SUNNY SIDE.



Bronzite: Button Cut, 6×6×4mm

Navajo Pearls: Rice Shape, 9×3mm

Karen Silver: Toggle Clasp


税込み価格 配送料は購入手続き時に計算されます。

マンテルブレスレット 天然石ブロンザイト ナバホパール カレンシルバー
マンテルブレスレット 天然石ブロンザイト ナバホパール カレンシルバー セール価格¥9,800